Privacy Policy

Pursuant to applicable law in force, specifically in matters of the Federal Act on the Protection of Personal Data held by Individuals or Private Companies and the Regulations thereof, it is hereby made known that the organization known as COMERCIO JUSTO DE JIQUILPAN A.C., hereinafter referred to as “FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK”, the registered office of which is located at Octaviana Sanchez Oriente No. 419 Col. Jiquilpan de Juárez Centro. C.P. 59510. Jiquilpan de Juárez. Jiquilpan, Michoacán, Mexico, is liable for the use, protection and processing of your personal data. 

Consequently, the referred to organization has taken technical and physical administrative security measures required for protecting the personal data of its contributing partners, strategic partners, personnel, customers, distributors, suppliers and collaborators, as well as any person having a relationship with FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK, and who accesses the following official website: 

The foregoing is understood as a measure for preventing damage, loss, alteration, destruction, unauthorized use, access, breach or divergent processing of personal data, which for operating, managing, purpose, commercial activity, as well as rendered contracted services, are required. 

Personal data, hereinafter referred to as “THE DATA”, requested under contract, by e-mail, telephone calls, request, applications, forms and/or any other physical or digital medium, may include, but are not limited to the following: 

  • a) Full name; 
  • b) Citizenship; 
  • c) Date and place of birth; 
  • d) Full address; 
  • e) Age; 
  • f) Sex; 
  • g) Marital status; 
  • h) Occupation;
  • i) Landline telephone; 
  • j) Mobile phone; 
  • k) E-mail; 
  • l) Federal Taxpayer Number (RFC); 
  • m) National Identification Number (CURP); 
  • n) Line of business; 
  • o) Any other data which “FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK” may consider relevant and necessary for providing the respective services. 

“THE DATA” shall be used, processed and protected according to the provisions of the Federal Act on the Protection of Personal Data held by Individuals or Private Companies and the Regulations thereof. Likewise, said “DATA” shall be entered into a database and used for identifying you in admittance, operations, administrative and/or commercial relationships conducted or established with “FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK”, as well as for marketing purposes, whereby “FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK”, pro se or through any third party, may perform the activities required for fulfilling its business and/or commercial purpose. 

If admitted as a member of “FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK”, or the acceptance of any product or service provided by “FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK”, “THE DATA” shall be used for complying with the obligations arising from the legal and/or commercial relationship that could be established; however, “FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK” guarantees that, save court order duly issued by a competent authority, “THE DATA” shall not be disclosed to any domestic or foreign individual or legal entity, agency or organization other than and/or unrelated to “FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK”

“FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK” shall at no time request you to provide data related to your racial origin, health, religious or philosophical beliefs, sexual preference or political affiliation. 


In this respect, your personal data shall be collected for the purposes stated hereinbelow and are applicable to each specific case: 

Essential purposes:

1.- Entering customers, with whom FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEKhas a commercial relationship, into our information systems and database for the purpose of controlling the production and distribution of purchased products. 

2.- Providing, personalising and improving the services and products offered by FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK

3.- Entering Suppliers into the database. 

4.- Invoicing and collecting payment of services and products provided and commercialised by FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK, as well as administering and ensuring follow-up on ordered services and products. 

5.- Establishing the customer, supplier and distributor portfolio. 

6.- Using data, background, conversations and phone call recordings enabling to improve service, as well as providing assistance when required for responding to any question or issue. 

7.- Drafting Service and/or Collaboration Contracts. 

8.- Providing products purchased on the official website and/or social media. 9.- Updating our databases and keeping your information for complying with regulations and respective regulatory provisions for meeting official requirements established by the authorities and regulatory entities. 

10.- Providing services and products ordered by customers and Holders of personal data, as well as broadening the scope of or improving the referred to services and/or products. 

11.- Responding to questions, complaints, suggestions and clarifications; as well as providing information about updating concerning the services or products offered to the public by FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK

12.- Sending information related to the services or products purchased and/or ordered via our electronic media and official websites. 

13.- Ensuring follow-up and conducting surveys for assessing, evaluating and recording the quality of our services and electronic media, and when possible, making enhancements and improvements. 

14.- Preparing and sending cost estimates. 

15.- Conducting surveys of the purchased products or services. 

16.- Conducting investigations and market research. 

17.- Keeping a log controlling the flow of customers, suppliers and distributors entering and leaving FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEKfacilities.

18.- Providing information concerning any possible changes in policies and production and sales conditions of the products commercialised by FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK, as well as any updating of the features of the products and/or services provided by FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK

19.- Monitoring complaints and suggestions in regards to our services and/or products via telephone calls and/or e-mails. 

20.- Ensuring control and follow-up of complaints, suggestions or requests for our services and/or products. 

21.- Keeping track of phone calls we make to or receive from you for monitoring our services and/or products, as well as for future clarifications. 

Complementary purposes: 

1.- Sending publicity by e-mail, banners, mobile devices and other electronic media. 2.- Announcing new events, projects, services and/or products related to those which have already been ordered and/or purchased by customers, or related to the “FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK” business purpose

3.- Sending information about special offers, announcements and/or promotional messages related to services and products commercialised by “FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK”. 

4.- Sending e-mails announcing events organized and/or recommended by “FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK”

5.- Sending promotional and publicity e-mails about services and products provided by “FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK”

6.- Sending information about the services and benefits provided by our commercial partners. 

7.- Identifying and analysing your commercial partner needs and preferences for providing improved service. 

8.- Inviting our commercial partners to participate in our events. 

If you do not wish your personal data to be processed for these complementary purposes, you may send a request application at your earliest convenience, in which you expressly state your your refusal; Request the respective application form at a FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK office or branch, or at

Likewise, you may state your refusal to use of THE DATA for complementary purposes by sending the respective application by e-mail to; said application must include the following: 

  1. a) The name of the holder of THE DATA, and his/her full address, or another analogue, digital or electronic medium enabling the answer to his/her application to be delivered, as well as any other notification regarding his/her application; 
  2. b) The documents reliably evidencing his/her identity or, as the case may be, the authority to represent the holder of THE DATA; 
  3. c) The clear and precise description of the personal data, processing regarding the complementary purposes which are objected; and 
  4. d) Any other document or element enabling to locate the personal data, and allow FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEKto respond expeditiously and immediately suspend the use of THE DATA related to the complementary purposes. 

The refusal of the use of personal data complementary or non-essential purposes mentioned hereinabove shall not be a reason for denying services or products requested or ordered from us, nor shall it be understood as a refusal to use THE DATA for the essential purposes. If no application therefore is received, the use your personal data for all the purposes itemized hereinabove shall be understood as accepted, both the essential, as well as the complementary purposes. 

FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEKhas taken the technical and physical administrative security measures required for protecting “THE DATA” against: damage, loss, alteration and destruction, as well as unauthorized use, access, disclosure or processing. Consequently, the confidentiality of “THE DATA” is guaranteed and exclusively authorized persons shall have access thereto. 

FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEKagrees that collected sensitive personal data shall be processed according to the highest security measures guaranteeing the confidentiality thereof. 

Accordingly, and in strict compliance with the law, FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK, in regards to your personal data and/or sensitive personal data, agrees and is legally obligated to:

  1. Observing and protecting the principles of lawfulness, consent, information, quality, purpose, loyalty, proportionality and liability regarding personal, financial or sensitive data to which you have access; 
  2. Processing personal data pursuant to legal provisions and FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEKinternal policies; 

III. Maintaining the confidentiality of personal data and processing said data exclusively for the purposes for which said data were requested or obtained and have been previously described; 

  1. Abstaining from collecting any personal data not required for the intrinsic purposes of this line of business and those not mentioned hereinabove; 
  2. Responding to proceedings related to the exercise of ARCO Rights, pursuant to law; VI. Establishing and maintaining security measures for protecting personal data; and VII. Notifying holders of any data breach which may affect their property and non-pecuniary rights. 

Transfer of personal data. 

We inform you that FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEKshall disclose your personal data to: (I) holding companies, subsidiaries or affiliates under common control of FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK, as well as to our parent company or any company of our corporate group operating under the same internal privacy policies and processes; (II) competent authorities exclusively in the event of an injunction requiring THE DATA, pursuant to the provisions of applicable legislation in force; (III) enterprises or companies responsible for investigating fraud and payment collection; (IV) other companies, solely and exclusively in the event that FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEKmerges, changes its corporate form or any other similar change of legal status, in regards to a third party company; (V) financial entities not related to the provision of the services, in the case of transfer or discount of credit portfolio, endorsement or any other form of negotiating user credit portfolio; (VI) legal matters; (VII) third parties providing services and/or distributing FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEKproducts, whether in Mexico or abroad; and (VIII) commercial partners with which contracts or agreements have been signed for commercialising and providing services and/or products offered by FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK, provided that said contracts or agreements are of benefit to the Holder of THE DATA.

The transfer of data mentioned hereinbefore, shall only be executed when: (I) the referred to transfer is provided and permitted by relevant applicable laws in force, or by International Treaties signed by Mexico; (II) in the interest of holding companies, subsidiaries or affiliates, under the control of FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK; (III) necessary and legally required by competent authorities for protecting the public interest, or for procuration and administration of justice; (IV) precise thereby enabling to acknowledge, exercise or defend a right in legal proceedings; and (V) precise thereby enabling to maintain or comply with any legal relationship between FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEKand the Holder of THE DATA. 

THE DATA may be transferred, solely and exclusively to third parties in the cases and under the circumstances described hereinbefore, as well as in the cases provided in the Federal Act on the Protection of Personal Data held by Individuals or Private Companies, as set forth in Articles 10 and 37 of the Act mentioned elsewhere. 

Given that on the date hereof, THE DATA has been provided by you, for whatever reason, it shall be understood, save any instructions you may give to the contrary, that FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEKis authorized to make use of THE DATA for all purposes mentioned hereinbefore. 

Accordingly, third parties to whom THE DATA is transferred, may not use the information provided by “FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK”, in a way other than as set forth herein. These transferals of personal data shall be performed observing appropriate security measures, in accordance and strict compliance with the principles provided in the Federal Act on the Protection of Personal Data held by Individuals or Private Companies, the Regulations thereof and the Privacy Policy Guidelines. 

Use of cookies, web beacons, and others technologies: 

It is important to emphasize that the website uses cookies, web beacons, and others technologies enabling to recognize regular users and track their usage behaviour on our website, personalise the information and publicity for providing improved service and experience when navigating on our site, as well as offering them new products and services based on their preferences.

We inform you that the personal data obtained through these tracking technologies are the following: 

  • Your type of navigator and operating system. 
  • The websites you visit. 
  • The links you use. 
  • The IP address. 
  • The website you visited prior to ours. 
  • Information on electronic communication mobile devices. 
  • Visits 
  • Pages you have visited 
  • Average visit duration 
  • Percentage of new visits 
  • Percentage of rejects 
  • Demographic data 

o Language 

o Location 

  • Behaviour 

o New visitors vs returning visitors 

o Frequency of site visits 

  • Technology 

o Navigator and operating system 

o Internet service provider 

These technologies can be disabled. To find out how to do it, consult the following data: Microsoft Internet Explorer 

For further information about how to operate this process on INTERNET EXPLORER we recommend the following link, click here. 

Mozilla Firefox 

For further information about how to operate this process on MOZILLA FIREFOX we recommend the following link, click here. 

Google Chrome

For further information about how to operate this process on GOOGLE CHROME we recommend the following link, click here. 


For further information about how to operate this process on SAFARI we recommend the following link, click here. 

– Rights ARCO. 

It is important to inform you that you have the right to accede, rectify and cancel your personal data, as well as to object to their processing or withdraw the consent you have granted for any purpose. These rights are known as ARCO rights. 

You are entitled to: 

  1. a) Right to Access. When the holder wishes to know which of his/her data are subject to processing by the responsible party, the origin of said data, relevant communication, the purposes of the processing, the privacy policy governing processing and other conditions and general considerations for processing. The right to access shall be upheld by making the requested data available to the holder or his/her representative, or by delivering copies or any other form of reproduction thereof, at the FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEKaddress or by any other medium specified by the holder, prior identification of the holder or his/her legal representative. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event the holder specifies an electronic medium for delivering the requested data, and should there be any loss, hacking or any other attack or fault on the holder’s internet connection, he/she shall be solely and fully liable for whatever may happen to his/her personal data and consequently, agrees to indemnify and hold FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEKharmless, without said party incurring any liability. 
  2. b) Right to Rectification. In the event of inaccurate or incomplete information in the FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEKdatabase, the holder of the data must specify the data requiring rectification and submit the documentation supporting his/her request.
  3. c) Right to Erasure. When personal data is no longer relevant to the original purpose for which they were collected. The Federal Act on the Protection of Personal Data held by Individuals or Private Companies specifies situations in which cancellation is not authorized. Cancellation of personal data shall give rise to a blocking period, after which the data shall be deleted. The blocking period shall be equivalent to the prescriptive period of the actions resulting from the legal relationship on which the processing is based. In the event of prior data communication to another responsible party, FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEKshall forward the requested information to you. 
  4. d) Right to Object. The holder may object to processing of his/her personal data in given situations (for example: for marketing, publicity, market research, prospection commercial prospective purposes, among others). Consequently, the referred to data shall be registered in the respective Exclusions List for insuring that your data does not continue to be processed for the purposes to which you object. 
  5. e) Right to Withdraw Consent. Withdraw consent, interrupt processing of personal data and notify the system operators of said withdrawal for performing the pertinent formalities. 

Whenever wishing to limit the use or disclosure of his/her personal information, exercise his/her rights to Access, Rectification, Erasure of THE DATA, as well as to object to the processing thereof or withdraw consent for any reason, the Holder must send a request application therefore, pursuant to the provisions of Article 29 of the Federal Act on the Protection of Personal Data held by Individuals or Private Companies, to COMERCIO JUSTO DE JIQUILPAN A.C., the party responsible for the Protection of THE DATA. 

For soliciting a request application and receiving a response concerning ARCO rights, the following media are at the disposition Holders of THE DATA: 

  1. When by postal service, at the registered office located at Avenida Real de Acueducto No. 335, Piso 21, Colonia Real Acueducto, C.P. 45116, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico. 2. By telephone. +52 (33) 3330 1100 
  2. Vía e-mail-, in this case, please acknowledge receipt by calling the abovementioned number.

The access, rectification, erasure or objection request application must include the following data and attachments: 

  1. The name of the holder of THE DATA and his/her full address, or any other analogue or digital medium for sending the answer to your application; 
  2. Documents reliably evidencing the identity the holder of THE DATA or the legal representative of the holder thereof, as the case may be; 

III. The clear and precise description of the personal data for which any of the hereinbefore mentioned ARCO rights are intended to be exercised, as well as any other right or rights intended to be exercised, as the case may be; and 

  1. Any other element or document facilitating the localisation of personal data. 

Please note that the request application may be filed by e-mail or by a completed print-out, duly signed and initialled at the bottom of each page, if any, scanned and attached to the respective e-mail message. 

In the event the information provided on the request application is inaccurate or insufficient, or the request application is sent without attaching the respective supporting documents, we may request the applicant to submit the elements or documents required for processing the referred to a request application. 

The holder shall have 10 working days to respond to the petition, as of the day following receipt thereof, warning him/her that in the event of no response by the given deadline or after the elapse thereof, the referred to a request application shall be deemed not submitted. 

Should the request application be well-founded, and once FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK has acknowledged correct and adequate receipt thereof, said party shall send a notification of acknowledgement thereof to the Holder of THE DATA, as well as the answer submitted by the holder; subsequently, FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEKshall have a fifteen 15 working day deadline, subsequent to the date of notification of the answer to the Holder, enabling said party to give due course to the referred to request application. 

For DATA rectification request applications, the holder must specify and attach thereto, in addition to the hereinabove mentioned documents, the precise rectifications which must be made, and submit all documents required for supporting his/her a request application.

For access to THE DATA request applications, FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK shall deliver copies or digital documents of the referred to information, solely and exclusively when the identity of the applicant or his/her legal representative has been previously proven, when appropriate. 

The holder de THE DATA shall be solely liable for maintaining the personal data in the possession of FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK updated; consequently, in any case, the holder guarantees and responds for the veracity, accuracy, validity and authenticity of THE DATA provided and delivered to FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK, and agrees to maintain said data duly updated and notify FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK of any rectification thereof. 

The holder may, at any time, withdraw any consent granted for processing “THE DATA”; nevertheless, it is important to take into account that there shall be cases in which a request application may not immediately be processed, in view of legal provisions, we may be compelled to hold the respective information, however said circumstance shall not imply that the measures required for responding to the holder’s request application shall not be taken, and in any case, the holder shall be notified should any situation concerning his/her request application arise and the possibility of fully complying therewith. 

Likewise, holder is notified that by withdrawing his/her consent to using and processing the “THE DATA” shall entail suspending the provision of services by “FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK”, or terminating any existing relationship, given that “THE DATA” are required for ensuring follow-up with active customers and/or contributing partners and/or strategic business allies. 

To be acquainted with procedures, mechanisms, requirements and deadlines for exercising your ARCO Rights in further detail, contact “FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK” at the following e-mail address:, by dialling the following phone number +52 (33) 3330 1100, or going personally to the following address: Octaviana Sanchez Oriente No. 419 Col. Jiquilpan de Juárez Centro. C.P. 59510. Jiquilpan de Juárez. Jiquilpan, Michoacán, Mexico, enabling the person in charge of your request application to give you an itemized report of the processing thereof. 

– Release of liability for breach of confidentiality.

FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK agrees to take the digital and physical security measures required for protecting THE DATA; however, should a security breach arise in any phase of processing the referred to information stored in FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK databases containing the provided DATA and which entail encumbering economic or moral rights of the holders of the respective information. Said encumbrance shall be timely and duly notified to the holders thereby enabling them to take the respective measures, aiming at defending and protecting the information removed from the FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK database and electronic benefit transfers, without any authorization by said party. Therefore, FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK waives any liability arising from a vulnerability, removal or infiltration of this type, given that said offense shall be imputable to the third party who performed the removal or caused damage in any way. 

Amendments of the Privacy Policy. 

“FUNDACIÓN MANOS MAYEK” reserves the right to amend or update this Privacy policy at any time, in the light of newly enacted legislation, internal policies or new requirements required for maintaining the contract relationship or continuing to provide our services. These amendments shall be available to the public: 

  1. a) on our internet website: 
  2. b)
  3. c) by e-mail. 
  4. d) by telephone. 

Should you consider that your right to protection of personal data has been breached by any of our collaborators or our actions or responses, or presume that in processing your personal data there is a breach of the provisions set forth in the Federal Act on the Protection of Personal Data held by Individuals or Private Companies, you may lodge a complaint with the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection de Personal Data (INAI). Should you require further information, visit the official website: 

Last update: 27th January, 2021.

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